Tomix Island style home series.
- Platform end One side has a slope, the other side has a straight end
- All platforms are set to a length of 140mm
- The platform roof is a mountain-shaped roof type
- A waiting room with a wooden and grass roof is included
- The height of the platform has been changed to create the atmosphere of a local station Set 2mm lower than conventional home products
- “4004” Overpass spacer included so that wooden overpass can be used
- Various other station parts included (tablet delivery unit, one-man compatible rearview mirror, utility pole with street light, trash can, drinking faucet, station name board etc)
- Local bridge platform (slope)
- Local island platform (waiting room)
- Local island platform (with roof)
- Local island platform
- Local bridge platform (end)
- Railway crossing parts runner
- Bench and other runners
- Station name plate and other runners
- Shop
- Stairs
- Overpass spacer
- Joiner
- Seal